- Categories:关于集群
- Time of issue:2020-02-28 00:00:00
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Changsha Construction Machinery Industry Association
The Changsha Construction Machinery Industry Association is a promotion agency of the construction machinery industry which aims to fully integrate industry resources, facilitate the sharing of resources, techniques, information and services in the industry, and accelerate the construction and development of the construction machinery industry.
It is a non-profit social organization consisting of Changsha enterprises, colleges and universities, financial institutions and intermediary institutions of the construction machinery industry on a voluntary basis. It was initiated by six units, namely, Sany Group, Zoomlion, China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Corporation Limited (CRCHI), Sunward, Hunan University and Changsha Bank. It has nearly 200 member units, which cover the entire chain of construction machinery industry and the hosting products of which cover 70% of the whole industry. They include four of the world's top 50 construction machinery enterprises, more than 100 upstream and downstream supporting enterprises, colleges and enterprises such as Central South University (CSU), National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) and Hunan University, as well as professional service institutions such as Changsha Bank and Power City International Exhibition Company (PCIE).

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Tel:0731-84721211 Address:No. 3 Dongsan Road, Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone (within Hunan Guozhong Zhilian Research Institute) E-mail:cssgcjxhyxh@163.com
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